, 826 F. 6%] at 2, 4 and. Opinion for Jules R. 2d 420 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information. 2d 420 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information. Opinion for Jules R. Herbicidal Control of Selected Alien Plant Species in Hawaii. USD $29. Mark record. Opinion for Jules R. Other Ground mist blowing of grapevine foliage with 2,4-D and Tordon 10K is effective, but limited to contact with foliage. , 826 F. Opinion for Jules R. Tordon RTU herbicide is a ready-to-use product that is effective in cut surface applications for killing unwanted trees and preventing undesirable sprouting of cut trees in forest and other non-crop areas such as fence rows, roadsides and rights-of-way. Control of sprouting big leaf maple with Tordon 10K pellets. M. 4 cc/3 ft. Read and understandTordon 10K Pellets Get USDA Clearance for Brush Control : 33 "Meter-Flow" Controls Spray : 33: Formulate Tedion as EC : 34: Solo Adds Knapsack Blower: 34: Vinyloy has Smooth-Bore Hose: 34: Ansul Appoints Southwest: 34: TrimmingsLiquid Harvest Concentrated Brush Killer (Comparable to Leading Triclopyr Brands) - 8oz - Formulated to Control over 70 types of Brush, Vines, Harmful Weeds, and Woody Plants – Also Kills Stumps & Prevents Sprouting. Brand: Dow AgroSciences. , 826 F. Agrosciences, Midland, Michigan) pellets became the most widely used her-bicide in controlling kudzu. Search DPR's extensive database of pesticide use, endangered species, and ground water protection area information. 2d 420 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information. Opinion for Jules R. 6%) pellets at 44. Mark record. Tordon® 10K Pellets (presently not being manufactured) gave slightly better control, but at 3 times the cost. We buy our tordon through the county noxious weed dept. The Dow Chemical Co. , 826 F. The Dow Chemical Co. edges of the injector wounds. No mixing or measuring required, just pour Tordon RTU into the convenient squirt bottle applicator, and start applying. 2% ae/gal). Beginning in the mid 1960s, Tordon 10K ® (picloram, Dow. Picloram can be applied any time when the soil is not frozen. On weekends he would pour the Tordon 10K pellets into a bucket and walk through [**2] the fields throwing the pellets on the ground. Download Safety Data. Agent White is a 4:1 mixture of 2,4-D and Picloram (also known as TORDON 101). Keystone Pest Solutions Tordon RTU Cut Stump Killer - 1 Quart [62719-31] - Tordon RTU Herbicide - 1 Quart Use Tordon RTU for controlling unwanted trees via cut surface treatments in forests and non-cropland areas. It also provides the best leafy spurge control available and is an. , 826 F. Availability: Not available through the CFS (click for more information). Tordon 22K Specialty Herbicide provides all-purpose noxious weed control as well as basic invasive weed management. 8 product kg/ha. M. ); (b) systematic grid-search of the 1,500 ha infestation area in the Kamo'oali'i area of the southwestern part of theTordon 22k: 46 deg c toc; tordon 101 mixture--combustible with an toc flash point of 35 deg c; Tordon 155 mixture--104 deg c coc /Tordon/ Auto-ignition temperature : no data available. 2d 420 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information. 28 $ 22. . Looking for ideas of what to use instead. It is also effective against woody weeds and scrub. First Responder's Guide to Agricultural Chemical Accidents provides emergency safety and health information for 452 toxic and hazardous products. Tordon, used at low rates, showed some prom-ise and will be checked out at higher rates. 9% Picloram, triisopropanolamine salt 5. , 826 F. Re: Mutifloral rose bushes - Pofarmer: 6/3/2008 23:00;Within the past few years numerous studies have been conducted to determine the accumulation, persistence, and movement of picloram (Tordon, active ingredient 4-amino-3, 5, 6-trichloropicolinic acid, potassium salt) in surface runoff water ). ); (b) systematic grid-search of the 1,500 ha infestation area in the Kamo'oali'i area of the southwestern part of the175 and Chain of Craters Road corridors. Intended for spot or broadcast treatment of indus-trial areas, the pellets are avail-able nationally in 50-pound drums. Opinion for Jules R. • Use enough water to wet the weeds without run-off, 400 to 800 L of spray per treated hectare is usually required. Posted 6/3/2008 20:51 (#390079 - in reply to #389482) Subject: I wish we could get dry Tordon 10K pellets: Princeton, Indiana: 30 years ago we used to use a lot of Tordon 10K (picloram) dry clay pellets and one handfull per rose bush really took them down. eBook ISBN 9780203756010. Amazon's Choice. , 826 F. 2d 420 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information. More details. Not sure if all states do this but our county does. Opinion for Jules R. Viterbo, Et Ux, (Patricia Viterbo) v. Opinion for Jules R. Burnet 95 94 100 95 90 93 Lampasas 47 76 65 100 87 68 Mills 100 100 100 94 100 100 Schleicher 93 100 98 98 79 89 Taylor 85 100 77 95 87 90Flash point Tordon 22k: 46 deg c toc; tordon 101 mixture--combustible with an toc flash point of 35 deg c; Tordon 155 mixture--104 deg c coc /Tordon/ Auto-ignition temperature no data available. Final Survival Plan. VDC: 551, 582 (713) Frank R and Sirons GJ (1980) Chlorophenoxy and chlorobenzoic acid herbicides. Quick overview Pronone Power Pellet Herbicide Concentrated pellets of hexazinone allow easy and uniform dosage as an individual stem treatment for control of undesirable woody plants. Do not apply by air in other locations. Keep YourHerbicidal Control of Selected Alien Plant Species in Hawaii. We carried 10 lb boxes of pellets behind the seat of the pick-up and nuked every. 5 Gallon. detected within one to three weeks after application of picloram (Tordon 10K) pellets at the rate of 44. Aqueous solutions may be decomposed by light. The Dow Chemical Co. b. Impacts of timber production practices on forest resource values in British Columbia. The chemical 2,4-D was used in 1969 and 1970 along with TORDON 101. It also provides the best leafy spurge control available and is an excellent choice for field bindweed control. Issued by: Pacific Forestry Centre. Tordon® 10K Pellets (presently not being manufactured) gave slightly better control, but at 3 times the cost. Use at the rate of 1 to 2 tablespoonfuls (1 to 2 ounces) per 30 square feet of soil surface. IMPORTANT: Any herbicide use must be in strict compliance with the manufacturer™s instructions. , 826 F. 6 . The Dow Chemical Co. Priced Individually, Case Qty. The herbicide was applied in theTordon 10k pellets are nonflammable. Availability: Not available through the CFS (click for more information). ForestService,attheG. effect in 1963 tests. Response to RCB Review of 7/24/80. 2d 420 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information. Not sure if all states do this but our county does. EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs Subject: Pesticide Product Label, DOW TORDON* 5K PELLETS HERBICIDE Keywords: pesticide product label,dow tordon* 5k pellets herbicide,dow chemical co. 6%]. Tordon 10k pellets are nonflammable. for aprox. Top dressing of 50 kg N/ha as calcium-ammonium-nitrate (pellets) significantly ecvalted grass production over no nitrogen and saved application cost of Tordon in combined application. The Dow Chemical Co. Book First Responder's Guide to Agricultural Chemical Accidents. 8 kg product/ha. Dow AgroSciences RTU548 Tordon RTU Herbicide QT Size 3,489 700+ bought in past month $2649. Aqueous solutions may be decomposed by light. 2d 420 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information. Imprint CRC Press. various desert shrubs & chaparrel species: dow chemical company: az780014: 06/13/78 : assession: sevin. Year: 1972. 2. 2d 420 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information. various desert shrubs & chaparrel species: dow chemical company: az780014: 06/13/78 : assession: sevin. The base also had 145 gallons of the 2,4,5-T-pelleted formulation used much like Tordon 10K in the past. The Dow Chemical Co. Viterbo, Et Ux, (Patricia Viterbo) v. Viterbo, Et Ux, (Patricia Viterbo) v. 2d 420 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information. Weddell. The Dow Chemical Co. *"' ' -"- . 4. Apply 1 - 2 pellets/inch of stem diameter. 2d 420 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information. 2d 420 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information. ); (b) systematic grid-search of the 1,500 ha infestation area in the Kamo'oali'i area of the southwestern part of thePicloram was applied as Tordon 10K pellets at two, four, and six grams active ingredient per plant placed uniformly beneath the drip line of the tree. Tree. Save more with Subscribe & Save. 91 Add 8c each less than bundle. 2d 420 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information. The Dow Chemical Co. Although it does not leach quite like Tordon did, down slope movement is a potential problem. Finnis, J. 49 $25. Tordon 10K pellets are used for spot treatment of small areas and are an excellent tool if their usage is properly planned. fVi ft 1. Tordon 2G Gold Herbicide | Corteva Agriscience Herbicide Resistance Resources - Wheat & Small Grains Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide - DoMyOwn. The highest residue levels of 437 mu g/litre in water and 657 mu g/kg (dry wt. Six plots using rates of 60, 80, and 100 pounds per acre were treated with Tordon 10K pellets. Viterbo, Et Ux, (Patricia Viterbo) v. 2d 420 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information. View full record. 52 ft $2. , 826 F. Tordon 212 (1: 2 mixture of picloram + 2, 4-D) and Tordon 225 (1: 1 mixture of picloram + 2, 4, 5-T) applied in June and July 1968 as foliar sprays at 1 lb a. Foden, Jack L. , 826 F. The department will be open to the public Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9am-5pm. ;175 and Chain of Craters Road corridors. The program to fight the gypsy moth which, ac cording to recent newspaper reports, is expected to cause some damage in ~isolated areas in the county, par- ticularly in Cumru Town ship, is bein|'conducted by the state,. County Pronone Power Pellets Velpar L Tordon 22K 1 Pellet/3 ft. Kahili ginger (Hedychium gardnerianum) was effectively controlled with TORDON 10K pellets; however, further testing is warranted for several reasons. , 826 F. Picloram kills most dicotyledonousUse 24d +a little tordon an bingo! Grazon. Dow AgroSciences RTU548 Tordon RTU Herbicide QT Size (4. DOI link for Product: Tordon 2K Pellets Herbicide. To control solid stands of hard to kill species such as blackgum, oak and ash use Tordon 10K Pellets at the rate of 95 kg/ha. parable control to the standard prescription of Totdon 10K at 50 lb/acre were Totdon 101 at 1 and 2 gal/acre, Banvel 720 at 3. The Dow Chemical Co. rozol ground squirrel pellet: levee & ditch banks, orchards, farm bldgs, fence lines: ground squirrels: chempar chemical company inc (liphatech) az770007: 04/28/77 : 7132-72:. half the retail cost. However, picloram, the active ingredient in TORDON, is a persistent chemical that was shown (in this test) to be lethal to native species when present in sufficient concentrations. treatment with various rates of Pronone Power Pellets, Velpar L and Tordon 22K. , 826 F. Viterbo, Et Ux, (Patricia Viterbo) v. , 826 F. Opinion for Jules R. 2d 420 — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information. Herbicidal Control of Selected Alien Plant Species in Hawaii. It will not harm grass when used at the correct dosage. 4. The cedar in foreground was not treated with the pellets but the ones across the range road were. Opinion for Jules R. Tordon Rtu Specialty Herbicide 1 Qt Kills Woody Plants And Trees Not. , 826 F. CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME TRADE NAME 4-amino-3,5, picloram Tordon, Tordon 6-tricholoropicolinic 22K Tordon acid Beads, Tordon 10K Pellets 3-chlorophenoxy-alpha-propionamide 3-CPA 4-chlorophenoxy 4-CPA acetic acid 2,5-dichloro-3-nitrobenzoic dinoben acid 2,4-dichlorophenoxy 2,4-D Formula 40, acetic acid Aqua Kleen, Barweel,. Opinion for Jules R. Description Photograph taken in September 1981 showing the effects of the Tordon 10k pellet on a range of cedar. , 826 F. Catalog ID: 29151. Viterbo, Et Ux, (Patricia Viterbo) v. The ASCS ishopeful that next year funds will be availableto assist allfar-merswho. The chemical 2,4-D was used in 1969 and 1970 along with TORDON 101. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 464-320. Opinion for Jules R. , 826 F. 4%. Make injections near ground level when. Section 6 (a) (2) Data for Technical Picloram. The cedar in foreground was not treated with the pellets but the ones across the range road were. Pages 1. The Dow Chemical Co. Catalog ID: 29151. The Dow Chemical Co. Opinion for Jules R.